Adding Product Variations

Appolous Product Variants
Product variations are used when a product has different attributes, such as color and size, is grouped together with its variants on a single product page.

Enhance Customer Experience

To making it easier for your customers to search for the products that slightly vary from one another, product variations where introduced as a way to ehance customer experience.

Let’s say a t-shirt comes in 4 different sizes and 3 different colors, instead of having 12 separate product listing and required customer to browser through all the products for the color and size, customer can view all the different product variants available and select the preferred color and size in one single product page. And, they can compare the different prices at the same time. This provides a cleaner and much more friendly shopping experiences, as it doesn’t required customer to spent more time and effort to browse through the differences.

How To Enable Product Variants?

Product Variations

  1. Go to Inventory > New Product
  2. Enable “Has Variants” options in the settings.
  3. You can add in maximum of 2 levels of Variant Types.
  4. Add in the desire Options, e.g. Black, White.
  5. Once you are done, our system will auto generate the possible combination, and you may adjust the pricing and other information.
  6. Save the product.
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